Room 504
- S1 Topics: Interfacial Flows
- S2 Topics: Interfacial Flows
- S3 Topics: Interfacial Flows
- S4 Topics: Interfacial Flows
- S5 Topics: Interfacial Flows
- S6 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
- S7 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
- S8 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
- S9 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
- S10 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
- S11 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
- S12 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer
S1 Topics: Interfacial Flows 13:00−14:20, April 3, Room 504
Session Chair: Shunji Homma (Saitama University)
13:00 | #89: Breakup of surfactant liquid jet by a coaxial atomizer | Mathieu Alonzo (University Grenoble Alpes); Zhujun Huang (University Grenoble Alpes); Alain Cartellier (University Grenoble Alpes) |
13:20 | #226: Direct numerical simulation of coaxial atomisation in fiber regime | Jean-Christophe Hoarau (ONERA); Florian Granger (ONERA); Luc-Henry Dorey (ONERA); Davide Zuzio (ONERA); Jean-Luc Estivalezes (ONERA) |
13:40 | #568: Numerical study on the primary atomization in gas-liquid pintle injector | Tai Jin (Zhejiang University); Tinglan Tang (Zhejiang University); Wei Lin (Zhejiang University of Technology); Shuihua Zheng (Zhejiang University of Technology); Kun Luo (Zhejiang University); Jianren Fan (Zhejiang University) |
14:00 | #430: Accuracy of a diffuse interface model for LES of gas-assisted atomization | Florian Granger (ONERA); Luc-Henry Dorey (ONERA); Jean-Christophe Hoarau (ONERA); Davide Zuzio (ONERA); Jean-Luc Estivalezes (ONERA) |
S2 Topics: Interfacial Flows 15:00−16:20, April 3, Room 504
Session Chair: Jean-Christophe Hoarau (ONERA)
15:00 | #44: Using branched ionic surfactants for enhanced spreading of aqueous formulations | Nina M Kovalchuk (University of Birmingham); Masanobu Sagisaka (Hirosaki University); Hinata Komiyama (Hirosaki University); Nikhil Patani (University of Birmingham); James Haines (University of Birmingham); Mark Simmons (University of Birmingham) |
15:20 | #232: Ribbing patterns in rotating Landau-Levich drag-out problem. | Rosie Cates (ENS Lyon); Pierre Trontin (Univ. Lyon / LMFA); J. John Soundar Jerome (Univ. Lyon / LMFA); Jean-Philippe Matas (Univ. Lyon / LMFA) |
15:40 | #374: An AI super-resolution method for subfilter modeling of interfacial flows | Mathis Bode (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH) |
16:00 | #116: A depth–integral model for weakly–compressible falling films | Paolo Botticini (Università degli studi di Brescia); Gianluca Lavalle (Mines Saint–Étienne); Davide Picchi (Università degli Studi di Brescia); Pietro Poesio (Università di Brescia) |
S3 Topics: Interfacial Flows 11:00−12:20, April 4, Room 504
Session Chair: Mathis Bode (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
11:00 | #858: Contact line advection using a finite volume ALE interface tracking method | Suraj Raju (TU Darmstadt); Tomislav Maric (TU Darmstadt); Zeljko Tukovic (University of Zagreb); Dieter Bothe (TU Darmstadt); Mathis Fricke (TU Darmstadt) |
11:20 | #857: Simulating wetting of geometrically complex surfaces using the unstructured volume-of-fluid method | Muhammad Hassan Asghar (TU Darmstadt); Tomislav Maric (TU Darmstadt); Mathis Fricke (TU Darmstadt); Dieter Bothe (TU Darmstadt) |
11:40 | #668: An experimental study of flow patterns near a moving contact line | Charul Gupta (IIT Hyderabad); Lakshmana Chandrala (IIT Hyderabad); Harish N Dixit (IIT Hyderabad) |
12:00 | #120: A new Saint-Venant model for macroscale simulations of moving contact lines | Bastien Delacroix (ONERA); Ghislain Blanchard (ONERA); Maxime Bouyges (ONERA); Claire Laurent (ONERA); Philippe Villedieu (ONERA) |
S4 Topics: Interfacial Flows 14:20−15:40, April 4, Room 504
Session Chair: Pierre Trontin (Lyon 1 University)
14:20 | #323: Characterization of a capillary driven flow in microgravity by means of optical techniques | Domenico Fiorini (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics); Louis Carbonnelle (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics); Alessia Simonini (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics); Johan Steelant (European Space Agency); David Seveno (KU Leuven); Miguel Mendez (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics) |
14:40 | #640: New perspectives on capillary rise from complexity reduced models | Mathis Fricke (TU Darmstadt); Suraj Raju (TU Darmstadt); El Assad Ouro-Koura (TU Darmstadt); Joël De Coninck (Université libre de Bruxelles); Dieter Bothe (TU Darmstadt) |
15:00 | #678: Dynamic surface tension of molten solder in oxidative environment | Tatsuro Wakimoto (Osaka Metropolitan University); Kenji Katoh (Osaka Metropolitan University); Yoshiaki Ueda (Setsunan University); Manabu Iguchi (Osaka Metropolitan University) |
15:20 | #299: Pinhole growth in a coated liquid film on a non-wetting substrate | Shunji Homma (Saitama University); Takumi Chiba (Saitama University); Ryota Nakajima (Saitama University) |
S5 Topics: Interfacial Flows 16:00−17:40, April 4, Room 504
Session Chair: Dieter Bothe (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
16:00 | #463: Experimental investigations of particle scale liquid distribution in packed bed reactors: effect of particle shape and particle arrangement | Devesh Saxena (IIT Delhi); Vivek V. Buwa (IIT Dehi) |
16:20 | #766: Investigation of plug hole vortices during the drainage of water from a rectangular tank using two outlets | Rahul Kumar Mondal (IIT MANDI); Parmod Kumar (IIT MANDI) |
16:40 | #667: Ultrasonic atomization characterized by protruding free surface to emanating beads fountain prior to mist spreading | Xiaolu Wang (Doshisha University); Katsumi Tsuchiya (Doshisha University) |
17:00 | #778: Numerical study of film thickness in gas-liquid counter current annular flow | Samiksha Samiksha (Indian institute of technology Roorkee); Sumana Ghosh (Indian institute of technology Roorkee); Shabina Khanam (Indian institute of technology Roorkee) |
17:20 | #804: Experimental study on gas entrainment by bathtub vortex | Kei Ito (Kyoto University); Daisuke Ito (Kyoto University); Naoya Odaira (Kyoto University); Yasushi Saito (Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University); Kelei Song (Kyoto University); Toshiki Ezure (Japan Atomic Energy Agency); Kentarou Matsushita (Japan Atomic Energy Agency); Masaaki Tanaka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) |
S6 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 11:00−12:40, April 5, Room 504
Session Chair: Masahiro Kawaji (The City College of New York)
11:00 | #741: Mass transfer at large Peclet number : study of a model three-phase flow. | Stéphane Zaleski (Sorbonne Université); Jacob Maarek (Sorbonne Université); Nelson Joubert (Sorbonne Université); Yash Kulkarni (Sorbonne Université); Stéphane Popinet (Sorbonne Université); Pascal Gardin (Arcelor-Mittal Research) |
11:20 | #63: direct numerical simulation of gas-liquid mass transfer around contaminated bubbles | Kalyani Kentheswaran (Université de Toulouse); Nicolas Dietrich (Université de Toulouse); Benjamin Lalanne (University of Toulouse - Toulouse INP) |
11:40 | #142: Mass transfer measurements of a self-pumping transpiration cooling system | Julian Härter (University of Stuttgart); Christoph Steinhausen (University of Stuttgart); Rico Poser (University of Stuttgart); Grazia Lamanna (University of Stuttgart) |
12:00 | #597: Liquid-liquid mass transfer in miniature geometries using sudden expansion devices | Pushpender (Indian institute of technology Roorkee); Sumana Ghosh (Indian institute of technology Roorkee) |
12:20 | #673: Hydrodynamics and mass transfer of two-phase flow extraction of neodymium using ionic liquids in small channels. | Charlotte L Pheasey (UCL); Panaguiota Angeli (UCL) |
S7 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 13:50−15:30, April 5, Room 504
Session Chair: Stephane Zaleski (Sorbonne Universite)
13:50 | #331: Investigation of the effects of fluid velocity and liquid properties on the multiphase regimes in horizontal rectangular ducts | Ahmed Abou Sherif (University of Nottingham); Kathy Johnson (University of Nottingham); David Hann (The University of Nottingham) |
14:10 | #272: Numerical simulation of the dynamics of a multicomponent droplet in water using the phase-field model of TrioCFD code | Mirantsoa Aimé Rasolofomanana (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission CEA), Romain Le Tellier (CEA); Herve Henry (Institut Polytechnique de Paris) |
14:30 | #592: Active control of coffee-ring effect using contact angle hysteresis and magnetic field | Heemin Lee (Yonsei University); Joon Sang Lee (Yonsei University) |
14:50 | #435: Dendrite growing on a cold substrate | Kuan-Ling Huang (LadHyX); Christophe Josserand (LadHyX); Stephane Popinet (Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert); Alexandre Limare (LadHyX) |
15:10 | #526: Dynamics of lateral hydrate growth and associated interfacial heat transfer processes: backlight visualisation and temperature measurements | Muhammad Kamel (Imperial College London); Aleksei Lobasov (Imperial College London); Suryanarayan Lakshminarayan (Imperial College London); Konstantin S. Pervunin (Imperial College London); Christos Markides (Imperial College London) |
S8 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 16:00−18:00, April 5, Room 504
Session Chair: Stephane Zaleski (Sorbonne Universite)
16:00 | #341: Evaluation of bubble liftoff correlations for forced convective subcooled boiling at pressures of 1-10 bar | Randy D Samaroo (City College of New York); Masahiro Kawaji (City College of New York) |
16:20 | #590: Recent studies of dry and wet spreading of corium simulant melt at KTH | Maneesh Punetha (KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Lu Zhao (KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Andrei Komlev (KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Alexander Konovalenko (KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Weimin Ma ( KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Sevostian Bechta (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) |
16:40 | #50: Experimental investigations on rod bundle cooling by a water spray in spent fuel pool accident conditions | Guillaume Brillant (IRSN) |
17:00 | #657: Numerical simulation of droplets impacting onto hot metal surfaces with VoF method and phase change | Kaissar O Nabbout (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg); Martin Sommerfeld (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg) |
17:20 | #787: Experimental and numerical thermal-hydraulics study of a steam-droplets flow in a Venturi-type vertical tube with flow deviation - application to LOCA in pwr reactor | Juan Esteban Luna Valencia (IRSN); Arthur V S Oliveira (USP); Alexandre Labergue (Université de Lorraine); Tony Glantz (IRSN); Michel Gradeck (Université de Lorraine) |
17:40 | #312: On the flow field and heat transfer characteristics of a supercritical co2-cooled micro heatsink under high heat flux conditions | Farzad Pourfattah (Southern University of Science and Technology); Lian-Ping Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Wei-Mon Yan (National Taipei University of Technology) |
S9 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 11:00−12:20, April 6, Room 504
Session Chair: Mirco Magnini (University of Nottingham)
11:00 | #108: A dynamic of chocolate fountain: multi-physics, multi-phase, and multi-scale modeling | Lyes Kahouadji (Imperial College London); Seungwon Shin (Hongik University); Jalel Chergui (LISN-CRNS); Damir Juric (LISN-CNRS); Omar Matar (Imperial College London) |
11:20 | #420: FIMF: a filtered-interface multi-fluid approach coupled with the conservative level set method for LES of two-phase heat transfer | François Pecquery (CNRS); Vincent Moureau (CNRS); Mélody Cailler (SAFRAN); Cindy Merlin (ArianeGroup) |
11:40 | #528: Modeling of conjugate heat transfer in two-phase flows with large-eddy simulation | Cindy Merlin (ArianeGroup); Melody Cailler (SafranGroup); François Pecquery (CNRS); Vincent Moureau (CNRS) |
12:00 | #35: Phase transition modelling for cavitation applications | Eric Goncalves (ISAE-ENSMA); Damien Colombet (Université Grenoble-Alpes) |
S10 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 14:20−15:40, April 6, Room 504
Session Chair: Christos Markides (Imperial College London)
14:20 | #31: Evaporation and vapor mixing in turbulent two-phase flows | Leandro Germes Martinez (CORIA-UMR 6614); Benjamin Duret (CORIA-UMR 6614); Julien Reveillon (CORIA-UMR 6614); François-Xavier Demoulin (CORIA-UMR 6614) |
14:40 | #152: Investigation of two-phase flow in ascending pipeline using particle image velocimetry | Yubo Jin (Gyeongsang National University); Guangxin Ding (Gyeongsang National University); Hyoung-Bum Kim (Gyeongsang National University) |
15:00 | #411: Two-phase ionic liquid based aqueous biphasic systems for separation of biomolecules in small channels | Yiota Victoria Phakoukaki (UCL), Paul O'Shaughnessy (UCL); Panagiota Angeli (UCL) |
15:20 | #722: Thermal management of CBRN equipment using microchannels based heat sinks | Ana Sofia Oliveira H Moita (Academia Militar); Pedro Pontes (IST); Luis Quinto (CINAMIL - Academia Militar); Rui Lucena (CINAMIL - Academia Militar); Wilson Antunes (CINAMIL - Academia Militar); Luis Moreno (Academia Militar); Antonio Moreira (IN+ Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.) |
S11 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 16:00−17:40, April 6, Room 504
Session Chair: Christos Markides (Imperial College London)
16:00 | #87: Heat transport and flow structure in turbulent multi-phase Rayleigh-Bénard convection | Detlef Lohse (Physics of Fluids Group, Max-Planck Center Twente for Complex Fluid Dynamics & JM Burgers Center, Department of Science and Technology, University of Twente); Hao-Ran Liu (University of Twente); Kai Leong Chong (University of Twente); Rui Yang (University of Twente); Robetro Verzicco (University of Twente) |
16:20 | #625: Two-layer Rayleigh-bènard with evaporation: interface temperature and Nusselt number | Nicolo Scapin (KTH); Andreas Demou (The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia); Luca Brandt (Norwegian University of Science of Technology, Department of Energy and Process Engineering Faculty of Engineering) |
16:40 | #135: Numerical study on the thermal effect of porous media in Rayleigh-Bénard convection | Jun Zhong (Tsinghua University); Shuang Liu (Tsinghua University); Chao Sun (Tsinghua University) |
17:00 | #281: Boiling and condensation of a two-phase closed thermosyphon under horizontal vibration | Sohyeun Kang (KAIST); Daegyoum Kim (KAIST) |
17:20 | #760: 1D mixture model code for the modelization of two-phase flow thermosiphon | Pierre A Boyer (IMFT); Catherine Colin (IMFT); Thomas Prusek (EDF R&D) |
S12 Topics: Multiphase Flow in Heat and Mass Transfer 10:10−11:50, April 7, Room 504
Session Chair: Vincent Moureau (CNRS)
10:10 | #604: Investigation of aerodynamic weber number effect on atomization and evaporation processes in crossflow | Kenya Kitada (Kyoto University); Abhishek Lakshman Pillai (Kyoto University); Ryoichi Kurose (Kyoto University) |
10:30 | #277: Numerical study of high Prandtl number liquid jet impacting a heated wall: application to the cooling of electric machines | Xiaohan Bai (IFPEN); Adele Poubeau (IFPEN); Guillaume Vinay (IFP Energies nouvelles); Clement Renon (P’ Institute, CNRS, ENSMA); Matthieu Fenot (P’ Institute, CNRS, ENSMA) |
10:50 | #416: Ablation of a solid by a circular immersed or free-surface jet | Antoine Avrit (Université de Lorraine, LEMTA); Michel Gradeck (Université de Lorraine, LEMTA); Nicolas D. Rimbert (Université de Lorraine); Alexandre Lecoanet (CEA, IRESNE, DTN, SMTA); Nathalie Seiler (CEA, IRESNE, DTN, SMTA) |
11:10 | #448: Natural convection heat transfer between vertical parallel plates in water with millimeter-bubble injection | Atsuhide Kitagawa (Kyoto Institute of Technology); Yuichi Murai (Hokkaido University) |
11:30 | #494: Thermal sub-grid boundary layer modelling around bubbles at moderate Reynolds and Prandtl numbers | Mathis Grosso (CEA); Guillaume Bois (CEA); Adrien Toutant (PROMES, CNRS) |