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ICeM Mailing List

Join to the ICeM mailing list!
If you have interest in the ICeM, please register to the mailing list!ICeM is the international information center supported by the Japanese society for multiphase flow.
**** How to start subscription!
Please, send a blank mail to by using the email address which you'd like to register.
(Note that several mail servers reject blank mails without subject by spam filters. In that case, please add arbitrary characters in the mail subject.)
You will receive a return mail with subject; "confirm subscribe to “ (see the following example mail).
Sorry, this return mail will be written in Japanese!
But, you can easily find out your e-mail address in the return mail.
That address is the requested address to be added to the mailing list.
Please return a blank mail again to the address in the line starting from "icem-member-sc."!
This return mail is the final confirmation mail.
**** How to unsubscribe!
Please, send a blank mail to ""!
*** If you cannot operate well.
Please contact "”!