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- The JAPANESE JOUNARL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW is devoted to advancing the science and technology of multiphase flows by disseminating original and creative research papers and related articles. The Journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers reporting theoretical, experimental and/or numerical investigation, measuring techniques and numerical methods associated with a wide range of multiphase flows such as systems of gas-liquid, solid-liquid, solid-gas, liquid-liquid, solid-gas-liquid and so on. The Journal also publishes reviews, lectures and useful information for academic and industrial researchers.
- (1) Reports(Paper, Short Pioneer Paper and Technical Paper). Acceptance for publication is determined by the Technical Paper Review Committee, based on its judgment as to the importance of the report to the readers of the Journal. The average period from submission to publication is at present 5 months.
(2) Articles (Review, Exposition, Lecture, Book Review and miscellaneous). Acceptance for publication is determined by the Editorial Board, based on its judgment as to the importance of the article to the readers of the Journal. - SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS
- (1) Reports (Paper, Short Pioneer Paper and Technical Paper). Submit an electronic copy (in PDF format) of the manuscript and a submission form,directly to the Chairman to the Technical Paper Review Committee via e-mail.
(2-a) Articles (Review, Exposition and Lecture). Submit 2 copies of the manuscript and a submission form, to the Publishing Office or directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
(2-b) Articles(others). Submit one copy of the manuscript and a submission form,to the Publishing Office or directly to the Editor-in-Chief for any other kind of submission.
The submission form is attached here as a MS-word or pdf file. After receiving notice of acceptance for publication, the author(s) should send one final (revised) manuscript to the Publishing Office. Contributions are published in the Journal on the understanding that the copyright to the said contributions is registered by and vested in The Japan Society of Multiphase Flow. The language used in the Journal is principally Japanese, but reports or articles in English are also encouraged. The paper template can be downloaded here.
The manuscripts for reports (Paper, Short Pioneer Paper and Technical Paper) are received for review on the understanding that the work has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and its submission for publication has been approved by the author(s) and the institutions/agencies where the work was carried out. No charge is required for publication, but the author(s) or the institutions/agencies are requested to purchase reprints of each contribution. - Technical Paper Review Committee
- (Chairman) Prof. Hiromichi Obara,
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji, 192-0397, Japan
TEL/FAX +81-42-677-2711/+81-42-677-2711, E-mail:
(Members)Prof. Yuhiro Iwamoto (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Prof. Yoshikatsu Ueda (Kyoto University), Prof. Akimaro Kawahara (Kumamoto University), Prof. Atsuhide Kitagawa(Kyoto Institute of Technology), Prof. Toshiyuki Sanada (Shizuoka University), Prof. Minori Shirota (Hirosaki University), Prof. Shintarou Takeuchi (Osaka University), Prof. Takuya Tsuji (Osaka University), Prof. Koji Hasegawa (Kogakuin University), Prof. Takashi Hata (National Institute of Technology Kochi College) - EDITORIAL BOARD
- (Editor-in-Chief) Prof. Tomio Okawa;
Department of Mechanical & Intelligent Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
TEL +81-42-443-5404, E-mail: - PUBLISHING OFFICE
- The Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow, c/o Academic Publication & Printing Co., Ltd.,
2-14-9 Kasugadenaka, Konohana-ku, Osaka 554-0022, Japan.
TEL: +81-6-6466-1588, FAX:+81-6-6463-2522,