The Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow
Established in 1987, the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow (JSMF) has over 300 members interested in gas-liquid, solid-liquid and gas-solid flows encountered in many industrial processes and the environment. The members come from a wide range of engineering and science disciplines such as mechanical, nuclear, chemical, civil, mineral, aerospace, environmental and biomedical engineering, as well as physics and chemistry.
Activities of JSMF
Since 1987, JSMF has been publishing the Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow, a quarterly publication which contains high-quality, peer-reviewed research papers on theoretical, experimental and/or numerical investigations, measurement techniques and numerical methods associated with a wide range of multiphase flows. The Journal also publishes reviews, lectures and useful information for academic and industrial researchers. Some of the articles are written in English, and can be freely downloaded from the following website: Instructions for submitting manuscripts can be obtained from
JSMF also holds a Multiphase Flow Symposium annually in Japan which attracts over 350 participants. About 200 presentations are made and two-page abstracts are published in the JSMF Symposium Proceedings.
JSMF promotes international cooperation by sponsoring or co-sponsoring international meetings and conferences such as the International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow (ISMTMF), Japan-US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, and EU-Japan Two-Phase Flow Meeting. In fact, the first ICMF was organized by the members of JSMF and held in Tsukuba, Japan in 1991, followed by the second ICMF in Kyoto in 1995.
ICeM Newsletter
In 1993, JSMF established the International Information Center for Multiphase Flow (ICeM) which has been issuing a Newsletter semi-annually. All the past Newsletters from 1993 can be downloaded freely at This Newsletter provides news items of interest to ICeM members, notice of future international meetings and conferences, new books, etc. Anyone interested in joining ICeM can contact one of about 50 regional corresponding members appointed around the world who are listed in the Newsletter.